The border as a meeting point, is subtle, crossable and imperceptible.
What differentiates us and unites us, attracts us and reassures us.

The border as a point of conflict, is clear, insurmountable and exclusive.
That which creates injustice, domination, envy and violence.

The hand as synecdoche.
With our hands, we can create, protect, and welcome but we can also hurt, exclude and cancel.
Hand in hand we begin a path of collaboration and sharing dotted with small pitfalls that gradually penetrate the relationship, crumbling it.
Borders, once places of meeting and discovery, are transformed into barriers, they become places of separation and contrast.

A winner emerges from the clash.
The borders he defended so much are now indelible scars imprinted on his skin, missing parts of a past “Whole”.

End or a new beginning?

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